1 June 2024

Port Douglas Carnivale 2024


It's the time of year to be in Port Douglas. 28 degrees C during the day and balmy nights.

Last weekend saw the town celebrate the 30th anniversary of Port Douglas Carnivale, first held in 1994.

Among many of the highlights were the local artists exhibition at the iconic Sugar Wharf and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra performance under the stars. Friday night was the traditional street parade, and it was wonderful to see so many locals and tourists attending after what has been a challenging few months - well done to all participants whose efforts were much appreciated. The family beach day on Saturday saw the giant kites floating over Four Mile Beach, sandcastle building, and lots of family friendly activities.

If you missed out, plan on being here next year during the last full weekend in May, which is the usual timing. I'll see you there. It will be close to my 30th anniversary of living in and loving Port Douglas!