We're looking for listings!
Winter in Port Douglas is traditionally a time when southern states buyers consider purchasing a property in the warmer, tropical surrounds of Port Douglas and nearby. This year, that trend has been boosted even more. Many people are re-evaluating their lives in these Covid times, lifestyle has become a priority and working from home shown to be often possible, and the relative affordability of tropical north Queensland real estate, these factors have contributed to the increased popularity of property here.
As a consequence, we have qualified potential purchasers of property ready to act right now.
These include buyers for a residential two-bedroom apartment or villa up to $350,000; and buyers of prestige homes, lakefront or close to the beach from $1.2M up; also, buyers for rainforest type properties, Oak Beach to Whyanbeel, preferably with a deck and views or the possibility to add a deck. And beachfront properties are always sought after.
If you have such a Port Douglas area property, or another which you are considering selling, contact us straightaway so we can help "join the dots" and start the listing and sales process.
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